
Some time ago here, I believe I started a stampede. I told you all about online deals to order MAD's Greatest Artists: The Completely MAD Don Martin for very little money. This is a magnificent two-volume hardcover in a slipcase that includes all the work the late, looney Mr. Martin did for MAD magazine, paperbacks not included. It originally listed for around $150 and was not overpriced at that amount. When I told you you could order it for less than a sixth of that, hundreds of you did, cleaning out the online sellers.

Well, I'm here to tell you that Barnes & Noble seems to have more copies. They may be slightly damaged but hey, they're also $22.48. You'll probably want to order something else while you're at it because Free Shipping kicks in on orders of $25 or more. If you didn't get one before, here's another chance.