Michael Kinsley on Paul Ryan's budget proposal. Kinsley hits on something which is not only wrong with it but with a lot of so-called "solutions" I see in the world around me. I don't know how many times I've witnessed or even participated in the following…
There's a problem. Everyone agrees it's a problem. Everyone agrees it must be solved. So they put their heads together and someone comes up with what they call a solution. It really isn't workable. It probably will never even be implemented. But it looks and kinda sounds like a solution even if much of it is double talk or vague concepts. Then from that point on, everyone acts like the problem has been solved when it hasn't. The "solution" isn't even attempted or if it is, it doesn't change anything…but the search for a real solution is over, at least for a while. That's what we're going to do with the deficit problem in this country, regardless of which "solution" gets implemented. We'll kick the can down the road a piece and hope things get better on their own.