Monday through Friday, Cartoon Network here in the U.S. is running two different episodes of The Garfield Show, a series which employs Yours Truly. The morning episode they run is a rerun of a show from last season. The afternoon episodes at the moment are new, first-run cartoons…and the show scheduled to run tomorrow (i.e., Friday) is supposed to feature the odd-looking lady above.
Her name is Mrs. Cauldron and she's a dear sweet woman who may or may not be a witch. What makes us think she might be a witch? Well, her voice was done by June Foray. There's a strong indicator.
June Foray has been playing witches in cartoons since Trick or Treat, a Donald Duck cartoon released in 1952. In 1956, she voiced a witch in a Tom & Jerry cartoon (The Flying Sorceress) and a Bugs Bunny cartoon (Broomstick Bunny)…and there have been hundreds since then. She's done other things too, of course…but 59 years of witch-voicing deserves special mention. How does she do it? Well, I started to get suspicious when she arrived at the recording session on a broom…