Soupy's Back! (Sort of…)

Believe it or not, a TV network is now airing old episodes of The Soupy Sales Show — a mix, I'm told, of surviving black-and-white kinescopes from this New York show from the sixties and color episodes of his syndicated series from the seventies. And also believe it or not, the network is Jewish Life Television, a somewhat new (launched in '07) channel that also broadcasts programs like MenschLifeTV, The Shalom Show, Everyday Kosher Cooking and reruns of The Goldbergs. How Soupy fits into this lineup is, uh, obvious.

JLTV is viewable in a lot of cable lineups across the land. Here's the list. It's also available on DirecTV satellite on Channel 366 so I should be able to get it on my set but I can't. It seems — and I didn't know this until I called up and inquired — that some DirecTV channels are only on certain of their satellites and you can't get those channels on older receivers such as the one I have. I don't feel like upgrading just so I can get Soupy. But if you can get him, enjoy. I didn't think the shows they're reportedly airing were his strongest stuff but even his weaker work always made me laugh. You'd think though that for Jewish Life TV, they'd go in and do some digital fixes so that instead of whacking him with a pie, White Fang hit Soupy with a pound of Rugalah or maybe a nice Hamantashen.