If you've heard about the "sting" operation that got a couple of NPR execs ousted, you need to read this. It was like the same hoaxster's assault on ACORN, a case where tapes were deceptively edited, a triumphant "Gotcha!" was announced and the truth never caught up with the initial story that wrongdoing had been exposed.
I know why this fellow James O'Keefe does this kind of thing. I don't know why mainstream journalism falls for his con jobs, gives them front page status and then buries the reality of what happened on page B-18. And I really don't know why people are thrown under the proverbial bus just because a lying weasel managed to make them look bad.
By the way: I happen to be in favor of cutting off government funding to NPR, not because it's biased (I don't think it is and neither do a number of Conservatives) but because I think that's just not something that tax dollars should go for. I don't like the idea though that it or any institution can be defeated by fraudulent — and I'll put it in quotes because what these guys do really isn't — "journalism."