Back in 1997, a musical debuted on Broadway called The Life, all about hookers and pimps. It ran a little over a year and won a few awards but I don't think audiences liked it a lot, largely because of the subject matter and the characters. It was one of those "I don't know who to root for in this" stories. I found myself not caring about those people on stage or what happened to them. I'm going to guess that's why there apparently haven't been a lot of productions of it since.
I didn't like the story but I enjoyed a number of the songs. Ira Gasman, who also did the book, wrote the lyrics. Cy Coleman wrote the music and it was the last real musical he did that for. Here in some TV performance (looks like the Today show to me) we have Sam Harris and some supporting players performing "Mr. Greed," which is a tune I rather liked…