Happy Miscarriage of Justice Day!


Today marks fifteen years since O.J. Simpson was found Not Guilty of two murders that most of us think he committed. There's no doubt whatsoever in my mind. I got hooked on the case and read most of the books and watched most of the shows, though my mind has since jettisoned much of what I learned. I have a terrific memory but every so often, it thinks the way you do when you go to your Public Storage locker and you look at some crates and go, "Why am I saving that crap?" And out it goes. I'm kinda fascinated by how little I now recall of a story that I used to know so well, I could informally but authoritatively debate it at length with friends. I don't think I could have some of those debates today…but I do remember vividly winning every argument with someone who thought O.J. hadn't done it. My opponents didn't always admit I was right, of course…but you could tell they knew.

The folks who didn't think Simpson had hacked two human beings to death generally didn't know much about the case and 0% of them had an alternate theory supported by any evidence whatsoever. You'd say to them, "Well, if he didn't do it, who did?" And they'd mutter something about, well, maybe it was Colombian Drug Lords. Any evidence of that? Well, no. At the time of Simpson's acquittal, some of his lawyers and defenders promised a huge book would be forthcoming that would tell what really happened, who really killed Nicole and Ron.

You seen that book? Me neither and it's been fifteen years.

It isn't just that no one involved in the case can prove who really killed them if it wasn't Simpson. It's that no one involved in the case seems to be able to even make up a possible scenario as to who killed them if it wasn't Simpson. They can't even fabricate a story that sounds remotely plausible and isn't disproven by half the evidence. At least with the Kennedy Assassination, those who didn't want to accept the official explanation managed to offer some alternate names and narratives. I've never even heard anyone who believes the kind of vague, evidence-deprived theories that Simpson himself has put out there.

I do understand how some people just plain don't want to believe what everyone else believes. Questioning the Conventional Wisdom is usually a good thing…but refusing to ever believe the Conventional Wisdom just because others do is a great way to be wrong a lot of the time. I have this friend who buys into every single conspiracy theory about everything. It's automatic. I've said to her, "You know, if I pulled out a gun right now and shot you and you saw me do it and you survived…and if the police came and asked who'd shot you, you'd say, 'It could have been anyone except Mark Evanier!'" Some of those who don't think O.J. dunnit are in that category. Some also have such a deep, perhaps justified distrust of police that they automatically assume all arrests are false and all evidence is fabricated. And you also have those who sort of like the idea of a black guy getting away with murder and seeing so many white folks sputter about the injustice. These are the "taste of your own medicine" people.

I've talked to a number of these people, though not lately. There was a time I couldn't go to a party or other gathering without meeting one and having the subject erupt. I also met a number of people who took the wishy-washy, safe-from-all-directions position. They thought O.J. did it but that the police framed him anyway, either because they knew he'd done it and wanted to enhance the case…or because they (wrongly) didn't think he did it and just wanted to nail that uppity you-know-what. For what little it's now worth, I came to the conclusion that none of that happened except the part about Simpson killing those two people. I think all of the evidence of "framing" was either out of the whole cloth or built on some innocent mistake made by the police or prosecutors. And I suspect that if you turned a bright-enough spotlight on most major arrests in this country, you could find similar mistakes.

Something changed in this country the morning of the verdicts. We suddenly had a lot less faith in our judicial system. Everyone did or should have. I mean, if you thought Simpson was guilty, then the system had failed because it let a double-murderer go off to play golf. If you thought he was innocent, then the system had failed in a different way. An innocent man had spent a long time behind bars and had to spend his life's savings to hire skilled-enough lawyers (lawyers you could never afford) to prove that innocence. It's interesting how some opinions on the Death Penalty have changed since then. Before that verdict, those who championed the frying of convicted murderers were fierce in their insistence that no innocent person had ever been executed in these United States. I think the Simpson verdict caused a lot of them to drop that argument from their arsenal. After all, if a murderer could be acquitted, that makes it pretty credible that an innocent guy could be convicted. The widespread use of DNA testing since then has further weakened the belief that anyone who's found guilty is undeniably guilty…and of course, there's that irony there. The Simpson case is where most people learned of DNA testing…and now they believe it even though the jury in the Simpson case didn't.

That morning fifteen years ago, I was having a brick patio built in my backyard. I made a deal with a contractor and he brought in a crew of gentlemen I suspect were all or mostly undocumented aliens. I can admit this because I'm unlikely to ever run for governor of California. They were the kind of men you see hanging around outside Home Depot or a Public Storage facility hoping to get a day's work. The contractor may have gotten them from one of those places.

I invited the crew in to watch the verdict when it was announced on TV. I thought they shouldn't miss that moment of history and I guess I was curious about their reaction, whichever way it went.

When Simpson was declared Not Guilty, they all kind of shrugged. They were grateful I'd let them see it but I don't think the actual verdict mattered much to them. One said, "That's good." And then he explained that his neighborhood had been decimated by rioting during the not-that-long-ago Rodney King verdict in Los Angeles. He was afraid that if Simpson was convicted, it would prompt another such riot but beyond that, he didn't care. None of them cared. None of them thought the courts and police were fair to people in their ethnic group and income level, undocumented or not. To them, Simpson wasn't even a minority. He was just another guy with more money and more success than any of them would ever see…and what happened in his world did not relate to theirs. They assumed the guy was guilty and that that's how The System processes a guilty guy who's rich 'n' famous.

I said something like, "Well, maybe this will wake some people up to the problem." I was the only one in the room who thought that was remotely possible. The workers all thanked me and went back to laying bricks.

I think they were wrong. I told you up above what I think did change. It hasn't necessarily trickled down from folks recognizing a problem to anyone actually fixing that problem…but I don't think we're so quick now to assume that when the police say "We got the guy" that they got the guy or that a jury verdict settles the question. I know I'm not.

Here's an article from the L.A. Times about the day Simpson was acquitted. It has a lot of photos and a discussion of how those photos were taken.

Today's Video Link

This is a 31 (or so) minute speech that President Barack Obama gave the other day at the National Gen44 Summit. That's a convention of younger leaders in the Democratic party so their enthusiasm for Obama was to be expected. But it's a pretty good talk and it may remind some people why they voted for the guy…and why, even though they're disappointed in some things he's done or hasn't done, they probably will again…

Recommended Reading

Matt Taibbi is becoming my favorite political writer. This is not say I agree with everything he says but he does seem to nail down things that everyone else is either missing or deliberately avoiding. In this blog post, he notes how our tax codes keep carving out certain classes of rich folks to pay lower tax rates than the rest of us…like hedge fund managers. I'm not even sure what that job involves but when I hear about the tax breaks they get, I begin contemplating a new career in that field. (Well actually, I think I do know what they do. And I know enough about them to know that they get their tax breaks for no other reason than they successfully lobbied Congress into giving them a sweetheart deal.) We oughta all be madder about this kind of thing than we are. Somehow, the average American rarely hears about this kind of thing…and when they do, they think, "Oh, good…if they can pay no taxes maybe someday, I can pay no taxes." They don't think, "Oh, God…because they pay no taxes, I'm going to wind up paying more."

And the other day, I linked to this piece by Taibbi about the soul and future of the Tea Partiers. When I first read it, it struck me as good but unremarkable and I linked accordingly. Upon a second, later reading, I came to the conclusion it was a more perceptive, important piece than I first thought. I should have made more of a fuss about it. If you haven't read it, take the time.

Life Lines

I've slipped behind in telling you things I've done lately. Last Sunday evening, I spent one of the best evenings I've spent in a show in a long time, seeing a presentation of Celebrity Autobiography here in Los Angeles. Well actually, it was in Santa Monica — in a new and beautiful theater complex called the Broad Stage where I hope to see many more shows.

Celebrity Autobiography is a new show that's sweeping the nation. The folks who do it do it all over…and they're even taking it to England. It consists of celebrities reading from the autobiographies of other celebrities. In most cases, the readers are comedians or comic actors. In most cases, the celebs whose books are read are pretentious folks…in some cases being their most pretentious to think that anyone would plunk down money to read the stories of their lives. Needless to say, the excerpts are chosen for their outrageousness and the whole thing is very funny. How funny is it? I think I laughed as much as I've laughed in any show I've ever seen. The whole audience laughed a lot more than the audience you'll see in this piece from Nightline, which explains about the franchise…

That was shot at a New York presentation. The show is all over and you can see if and when it'll be near you at the Celebrity Autobiography website…where you can also see other clips and a list of who-all has been in it. It's a pretty impressive roster.

I was invited to the show last Sunday evening by Laraine Newman, who joined a cast that included Fred Willard, Kathy Nijimy, Rita Wilson, Tate Donovan, Michael Urie, Eugene Pack and Dayle Reyfel. It would be hard to tell you who was the funniest as they read from the works of Joan Lunden, Mr. T, Suzanne Somers, Diana Ross, Ivana Trump, Kenny Loggins, Britney Spears, Tommy Lee, Tiger Woods, Sylvester Stallone, Eddie Fisher, Burt Reynolds, Debbie Reynolds, Loni Anderson and others. Some of these folks (the readers, I mean) may be coming to a venue near you. If they do, go. I really had a great time.

The Foldable Mr. Jaffee

Here's another good article about Al Jaffee, the subject of a new book which you can order here. And whatever you do, don't miss the slide show narrated by Al about how he makes a fold-in or the interactive feature. (Thank you, Bruce Reznick, for calling this to my attention. What is this I owe you now? Eighty lunches? Ninety?)

A Magic Evening


I really should have posted this Friday night but I got home too late. Friday was the 50th anniversary to the day of the debut of The Magic Land of Allakazam on the CBS Saturday morning schedule. October 1, 1960, the show hosted by master magician Mark Wilson premiered…and it would be tough to overstate its importance to the world of magic. There had been magic on TV before that but never in such large doses, never in such a prominent way. Before Allakazam, magic was a filler…a novelty spot included in some shows and not a lot of others. There were a lot of producers and network-type people who believed magic could not "work" on television; that home audiences would just assume the impossible thing they were witnessing was accomplished by camera trickery. Mark Wilson proved otherwise.

All this week, the Magic Castle up in Hollywood has been transformed into an Allakazam Museum. The place is full of pictures and props and costumes from the show. The programming is themed towards the show, as well. In the big showroom, Mark's son Greg is performing…with a little help from his Dad. And present also is Greg's mother, Mark's spouse and the most famous of all magician's assistants, the enchanting Nani Darnell. The assistants in Greg's act were even wearing some of Nani's old costumes from 50 years ago.

I wanted to get there this week but one thing after another seemed to be preventing me…until my friends Paul Dini and Misty Lee half-dragged me there. That they did it on the night that marked the 50th anniversary was a special bonus. I saw The Magic Land of Allakazam that first morning it debuted a half-century ago. To be sitting there, three feet from Mark Wilson (age 81) as he did a card trick was very, very special. (Though I may have spoiled something for Paul. They were showing a film clip of a joke involving magic from the show and I couldn't help but turn to him and whisper the punchline before they showed it. Well, why shouldn't I remember it? It's only been fifty years since I've seen it.)

That's all I wanted to say…just that I was there and I was very glad I was there. Thanks, Paul and Misty.

Junk Mail

One year ago, I bought a grey plastic wastebasket from Staples. Today, I received an e-mail with the following subject line…

Time to reorder your Staples(R) Wastebasket, Gray, 7 Gallons.

They're figuring that by now it's either worn out or full.

Go Read It!

An old Roger Ebert interview with Groucho Marx. Among other topics, Groucho talks about our favorite movie, Skidoo, and about the then-pending Broadway musical, Minnie's Boys. Interesting that he seems reserved in his comments about Shelley Winters, who played his mother, Minnie. Everyone who's written about that show (and a few folks I've spoken with who were involved) said that Ms. Winters was the biggest problem. The producers wanted to dismiss her and bring in Totie Fields, who probably would have been a bigger draw for the ticket-buying crowd then, and who — unlike Shelley Winters — could sing and also talk without stammering. Shelley Winters was a wonderful dramatic actress but few who saw the show thought she belonged in a light-hearted musical. Groucho, it is said, refused to allow the substitution. He saw something in Shelley Winters that reminded him of his mother and thought Totie Fields was nothing like her…and too Jewish. So Winters stayed and the show did not do well, not necessarily just because of her. (Thanks to another talented Shelley/Shelly — chanteuse extraordinaire Shelly Goldstein — for telling me about this article.)

Farm Report


Way back when, Jim Davis (the guy what does the comical strip about the fat, lazy cat that eats lasagna) came up with a second newspaper strip, one that was originally conceived to please very young kids. It was called U.S. Acres in this country and in some other nations, it was called Orson's Farm. Over the course of its run, Jim and his associates discovered that there seemed to be no way to get children of its intended age bracket to read the funnies in the newspaper. These days, it's hard enough just to get anyone of any age to read a newspaper.

As it evolved, the content of the strip began skewing a bit older…and it was modestly successful. It was in enough papers — more than some successful features achieve. It just didn't look like enough papers compared to his other gig, Garfield…currently, the most widely-syndicated newspaper strip in the world. So Jim decided to suspend the U.S. Acres strip.

A lot of us miss those characters. I wrote their Saturday morning adventures on Garfield & Friends. They were the friends. I came to love Orson, Bo, Roy, Wade, Sheldon, Booker and the rest. (I never did get either Blue or Cody into the show.) They're not part of The Garfield Show, the new series we're doing now and many people, self included, have nagged Jim to get the farm animals back into circulation. Just to shut us up, there's now a U.S. Acres section on the Garfield website. It's a good start. Now, if they could only close one of those deals to do a new cartoon show with them…

Freberg Update

Just updated the link in the previous message. If it didn't work for you before, it should work for you now.

Freberg News

If you missed last night's Freberg appearance on The Jim Bohannon Show on radio, it's up now on that program's website at this link. The interview with Stan and Hunter Freberg begins at around the 40:00 minute mark.

Another Blog Recommendation

Every time I write here about DirecTV or satellite TV or anything in that wheelhouse, I get a lot of e-mails asking me questions I can't answer. The other day here, I ran an e-mail from a gent named Michael Kilgore who explained something I didn't know. This is not difficult to do but Mr. Kilgore seems to be an expert in that area…and I find now that he has a pretty good blog that covers these topics. So if you're interested go to the FTAblog and get better informed, at least about that kind of stuff, than you can hanging around me.

Today's Video Link

Here from Australia is an example of why live TV is so dangerous…and so interesting…


Two Loose Ends

I corrected something in my piece about They're Playing Our Song. I've taken out the part where I wrote that it was Neil Simon's longest-running Broadway play. It wasn't and I can't recall what made me think it was. Probably something I heard once from a Hells Angel. (You know how much they love their show tunes.) Anyway, Neil Simon's longest-running Broadway play was Barefoot in the Park with 1,530 performances) followed by Brighton Beach Memoirs (1,299), Promises, Promises (1,281), and Plaza Suite (1,097). They're Playing Our Song lasted 1,082 performances which would put it in fifth place. My thanks to Joshua Kreitzer for keeping me honest. Or relatively honest.

Also, Garth Gersten sent me this which I thought deserved to be up here…

For all of his movie stardom, Tony Curtis did one project because it was the right thing to do and for which he did not seek recognition. I was told that he paid for much of the renovation of the Doheny Street Synagogue in Budapest, Hungary. It was the synagogue his father attended before emigrating, supposedly. Somehow (maybe it was Curtis) it got out that he paid for much of the restoration, but it was only verbal. There is a small plaque there acknowledging his contribution, but not very big — just a normal size plaque. Wikipedia claims the largest donation was from Estee Lauder and doesn't mention Curtis — but I've seen the plaques. Curtis' Wikipedia entry doesn't mention any donation, but does say he was on the committee for restoration. So, I don't know what the truth is. I heard of Curtis' involvement there when I first visited in 1994 and then again in 2003.

Outside at a memorial — a metal tree with a metal leaf for each person — remembering the Hungarian Jews who died in the Holocaust, he and Jamie Lee Curtis have small plaques in the ground with just their names — no bigger than any other plaque — although theirs are in the center.

Gee, that's a nice story. I hope that's true. In fact, I think I'll just assume it is.