Recommended Reading

I don't usually link to articles in the Weekly Standard because, well, I usually find them to not go much deeper than "Republicans good, Democrats bad." It's among the many sites on the web — Liberal or Conservative — that have lost my visitations due to incessant demonizing of the opposition.

But I was impressed with this piece by Andrew Ferguson, which is a review of a new Obama-bashing book by Dinesh D'Souza. I have not read the book but I did endure the article D'Souza wrote for Forbes which made the same silly case that Obama is an "anticolonialist" (definition subject to change from paragraph to paragraph) because his father (the one he hardly knew) was an anticolonialist. Ferguson's view of the theory matches mine but with better supporting examples since, for one thing, he actually read the book. But more interesting to me is Mr. Ferguson's view of how the right-wing, of which he is a proud member, is making up all sorts of silly, hysterical charges against Obama when there's a much simpler version of the man right in front of their faces. It's sad that inventing crap about your opponent works so well these days. It's certainly lucrative.