A Rude Gesture

One of my favorite people in comics (or anywhere) is my occasional collaborator, artist Steve Rude. When I say I like him, I'm not just talking about the way he draws…though that would be reason enough. Yeah, I like Steve Rude art but that's not a startling revelation. As far as I've been able to tell, everyone who's seen Steve Rude art likes Steve Rude art.

I like the guy it comes from. I like working with him and talking with him and being around him. And if being sincere in your work and life translated directly to dollars, there'd be no need for what I'm about to write here. This is a pitch for you to go buy or bid on Steve Rude art because he and his family need some patronage right now. Several years ago, Steve made a decision to, in essence, become his own publisher and entrepreneur. He has turned down an awful lot of lucrative offers from DC, Marvel and other publishers to work only on projects he deeply cared about and over which he felt he had more control than he could have had if he'd said yea to those offers. It was a decision made out of pure artistic integrity and it has forced him to work very hard and to pull way back on personal spending.

I don't doubt at all that Steve will make it work in the long run. The passion this man has for his work — the sheer caring about doing it right and bettering himself with each drawing or painting — is admirable. But at the moment, the Rude family could use a financial assist. A week or so ago, it looked like they were in danger of losing their home. Many have rallied to purchase items he's selling and eviction looks less likely now…but they could still use money and you can still pick up some splendid bargains on Steve Rude art. Go to his Facebook page. Go to his eBay auctions. Go to his website.

The painting above is not available but take a look at it. How could you not want a piece done by the guy who produced that? How could you not want him as your friend?