Happy Sergio Aragonés Day!


The gentleman at left in the above photo is my best friend — or at least, my best friend with facial hair. Sergio Aragonés and I have been buddies since around 1969 and collaborators since around 1976 and during that time, we've had exactly one argument which lasted less than five minutes. (It was over a scene in Groo that had to do with showing some sheep being killed.)

Sergio may well be the most-honored cartoonist ever. If there's an award you can get for drawing silly pictures, he's got at least one of 'em, maybe several. When we go places, I see folks line up to meet him. Many are wanna-be artists who think just being next to the guy is going to make them better in some way. I'm not sure it doesn't for some. I don't draw any better because of our association. In fact, if anything, it's caused me to practice less because…well, what's the point of drawing when he's around? It's not like you could possibly be as good or as fast or as funny. But others are so inspired by him that I'm sure it makes them better. And folks who don't aspire to cartooning careers like being around him because he's just a neat guy.

Today is his birthday. I know which one but it really doesn't matter because he's not that age. Not spiritually, at least. The secret of Sergio's creativity is all about attitude and in his outlook on the world, which is always fresh and funny and young. Remember what I wrote here recently about how writers should love writing? Well, Sergio loves drawing. Still does and always will. And doing something you love, day in and day out, turns out to be a great way to never get old. So Happy Sergio Day to all and especially to Sergio!

Oh, by the way: The man on the right in the photo is named Jack Davis. He's a pretty good cartoonist, too.