Later Today…

Between 1 PM and 3 PM, Judge Vaughn R. Walker will issue his ruling on the constitutionality of California's Propostion 8, the one that banned Gay Marriage. Most of the court watchers seem to think he's going to strike it down, which would mean a lot of screaming all around for months — maybe a year or two — as this thing wends its way towards the U.S. Supreme Court. I still think a neater path to equality would be via the ballot box. It would make it all the Will of the People, rather than a decision by the courts, plus we'd be spared all the delighted outrage of the Fox News crowd. But we'll see…

From the E-Mailbag…

Rob Rose writes to ask…

Mark: a lot of people have expressed concern, not just with the crowding at Comic-Con, but at the fact that it seems to be more and more dominated by Hollywood. Movie, television, and video game companies dominate the exhibit space, and they use up an awful lot of the programming time as well. True, a lot of the Hollywood stuff is comics related (there was a lot of buzz generated for the Avengers movie, for example) or at least within the related genres — science-fiction, fantasy, horror, anime, and so forth. But some is not — in particular I've heard people remaking on this year's Glee panel as an example of how the convention has gotten away from its roots.

I don't think anyone can really question that the media is not only a huge part of the convention, but a major reason why it attracts so many people and so much attention. But my question is this: what's the effect of such a large, diverse convention on the comics industry? I have to think that it may be Hollywood that brings people in, but once they're there, some of them might just think about picking up a comic or two, or at least some related merchandise, and that helps the field. Others may feel that the way comics seem buried in the avalanche of other stuff makes them seem even less relevant, and that a smaller, but more comics-focused, convention would be a better idea.

Curious to see if you have any thoughts on the matter. Thanks…

First of all, having things other than comics at Comic-Con is not a betrayal of its roots. It was always part of Shel Dorf's original Mission Statement that the con would embrace forms other than comics, if only to demonstrate that comics were part of the same world. He had a little speech about it that I believe he cribbed with permission from Jack Kirby. At the 1974 convention, the big Guest of Honor was Frank Capra. Mr. Capra had about as much to do with comics as does the cast of Glee…maybe less since the cast of Glee has probably read some comic books.

If you want to attend a smaller convention that's more focused on comics, that's easy. You just go to one of them. WonderCon, which is in San Francisco next April, is run by the same folks who run Comic-Con and while it has some movie stars and film promotions, the ratio is more favorable to comic books. There are other cons where comics are even more dominant.

The thing I don't think some people get is that the comic book industry is no longer about comic books. Maybe some of the smaller publishers only care about those things on paper but DC and Marvel are now companies where comic books are only a cornerstone. At both firms — at most firms for that matter — the product is comic books turned into movies, comic books turned into TV shows, comic books turned into videogames, etc. If Marvel comes to the con to promote Spider-Man, they're not going to just promote the comic book. That isn't where the money is these days. They're going to promote the Spider-Man movie, the Spider-Man cartoon show, the Spider-Man videogame, etc. And most of the attendees want to hear about all of it, not just about the comic book.

The barrier between comics and other more ostensibly lucrative fields is blurring to the point of non-existence. It has never been that tidy and especially not since Star Wars and Star Trek became ubiquitous at comic conventions. Those franchises fit right in…and not because there were comic book versions of those properties — which brings me to the answer to your key question…

What's the effect of such a large, diverse convention on the comics industry? I think it's not only terrific, I think it's life-saving. At a time when magazines of all kind are folding or suffering plunges in circulation, the intermingling of comics with more mainstream media establishes that comics are more than just magazines. It gives them parity with forms of entertainment that aren't dying out or becoming obsolete. It also gives the word "comics" an importance it never had before. Once upon a time, the comic book business looked at the movies and tried to imitate the trends that were selling in that form. Today, it's the other way around.

I love comic books. I own more of them than you do, whoever you are. But the times, they are a'changin' and the era when they could just be these things on cheap paper is gone, probably forever. For good or ill, what the Comic-Con in San Diego is about is what comics are about, these days. If I looked real hard, I could probably come up with some downsides to this evolution but why bother? This is what it is, where we are and where it's all headed. I share with those who bemoan the Hollywood Invasion a grand nostalgia for the old days…but old days have a way of not coming back and some things change just because they have to. Once you accept that, you can have a very good time in today.

Today's Video Link

Jack Nicholson talks about One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. That's one of those movies I need to watch again one of these days. I remember seeing it when it first came out and I enjoyed it but it took a lot out of me. I went with a lady named Lynne to see it up in Westwood and after it, we were both glad we'd seen it but emotionally drained. We didn't even want to park somewhere and make out. She wanted to go home and sleep alone for a month and I wanted to go play Basketball with a big Indian.

Every so often, a movie can do that to you and it isn't always the movie alone doing it to you. Some nights, there's something in the air and when the right film (or play) connects with the mood…well, we were both flattened by it but in a (mostly) good way.

Haven't seen it again since that night. It feels to me like one of those films you can't view on a casual basis. You can't have it playing on the TV and take it in with one eye and ear while doing something else. You have to commit to it and I've never gotten around to that. One of these days or nights, I'll have to clear the time and see if it has anywhere near the same impact on me today. In the meantime, here's Jack…

Five Guys News

My fave fast food burger place, Five Guys, continues to expand into California. In this article, some who've sampled Five Guys are hesitant to say it's better than the much-worshipped In-N-Out chain we have out here. Well, I'll say it. I think Five Guys serves a better burger than In-N-Out and much, much better french fries. Matter of fact, I think they're the best fries I've ever had in a chain restaurant. (They must be. According to this survey of fast food french fries, they're the worst in terms of calories and sodium.)

A couple of folks have written to fret that dining at Five Guys will do unspeakable things to my waistline. So far, I've managed to average one Five Guys meal about every eight months. As they expand in Southern California — the article says more are planned — that might come down to every 3-4 months…but it won't get much worse than that, and I'm eating pretty healthy the rest of the time. I've already had my stomach stapled once. I don't want them to have to go back in and tie a Granny Knot in my small intestine.

Mitch Miller, R.I.P.

My father loved to Sing Along With Mitch. So did much of America. It was a very corny TV show — mostly a lot of old guys in sweaters singing songs that we all knew. But it was a lot healthier than Karaoke because unless you lived in an apartment and had real thin walls, nobody else had to listen to your rotten voice.

As a kid, I thought Mitch Miller had the easiest gig in the world. He just waved his hands and everyone else sang. You never heard him warble so much as a note. I wondered: How do you get a job like that? But then I read articles that revealed that he was a lot more qualified than he seemed to be. He was a veteran musician and record producer who'd been responsible for hundreds of albums, many of them big hits. He was into popular music when it was popular for everyone, not just the buyers between the ages of 13 and 30. And his show, though sappy at times, was easy to watch, easy to listen to.

Obits like this one will tell you a lot about what else Mitch Miller did…and they don't even get into his adventures as a producer and backer of theatrical ventures and so many other enterprises. I just liked the guy…even when I didn't know just what it was he did.

Recommended Reading

You may have heard about the tax plan being proposed by Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. Here's an analysis of it but I can save you some time: The rich would pay a lot less taxes, the poor and middle class would pay more, Social Security would be crippled, so would Medicare and any form of government-involved health care…and the National Debt would go up, not down.

And now let's all watch as the Republican leadership tries to convince lower and middle class Americans that this would all be in their best interests.

Go Read It!

Jim McQuarrie covers the panel down in San Diego featuring the folks who bring you Groo the Wanderer.

Today's Video Link

As I mentioned back here, a musical comedy called It's a Bird, It's a Plane It's Superman debuted on Broadway in 1966 and ran for a disappointing 129 performances. Still, the show has had a pretty long afterlife for something that closed so quickly on the Great White Way. The fame of the title character seems to have a lot to do with that…and the fact that it's ideally suited for college and community theater groups. The cast is mostly young. It doesn't require skilled choreography. The sets and costumes can be done on the cheap, especially by making it all very comic-bookish. The biggest challenge in staging comes if you actually try to fly your star around the stage, and there are ingenious ways to avoid that.

Recently, the Dallas Theater Center staged a new, highly-publicized "revisal" with an amended book by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. I didn't see it but the reviews were generally good and suggest a possible new life for the show. Here's another backstage video from the production, which just closed…

And while we're at it, here's an interview with the show's composer, Charles Strouse…

Recommended Reading

David Stockman was one of the main architects of Ronald Reagan's economic policies and the premise that if we let rich folks pay less taxes, benefits will "trickle down" to aid the middle class and the poor. He later turned on that plan and described it all as a "trojan horse designed to bring down the top tax rate for the wealthy." In this current article, he really turns on his old philosophy and on darn near every fiscal policy the Republican party is now pushing.