I am pleased to be able to plug a new mystery novel by my former writing partner, Dennis Palumbo. Dennis and I wrote teevee shows in the seventies for a few years, then went our separate ways. His way included writing screenplays, becoming a prominent psychotherapist and penning novels, of which this is the latest. We haven't had time lately to have lunch so he hasn't presented me with my personally-autographed copy, which means I haven't read it yet. But Dennis is a very good writer…and I suspect that's not unrelated to his success in psychotherapy, where he mainly helps folks in show biz cope with the overpowering lack of logic in our field. He sure understands people well and in his past books, he's shown he knows how to craft a solid, engrossing mystery. So order a copy, which is what I'd do if I couldn't get Dennis to give me one over lunch and (I'm so lucky) also pick up the check.
Or if you're near Huntington Beach, CA tomorrow (Saturday), Dennis will be signing copies at the Mystery Ink Bookstore at 1 PM. And later that evening, he's appearing on the PBS series, Between the Lines, to discuss the book. Consult, as they say, your local listings.