Saturday Morn in San Diego

I perfectly timed my re-entry into the Eisner Awards: They were just about to start giving out the Hall of Fame Awards…to Burne Hogarth, Bob Montana, Steve Gerber, Dick Giordano, Mike Kaluta and Mort Weisinger. Of these, the only one who's still with us is Kaluta and he wasn't with us last night. A friend accepted for him and relatives accepted for all the others. Mary Skrenes, who co-accepted for Gerber along with Steve's daughter Samantha, isn't a relative but she was about as close as you could be to one. Paul Levitz, co-accepting with Weisinger's daughter, was particularly eloquent in…well, I'll say this bluntly: Particularly eloquent in explaining why an editor who was so notorious for being rough on his people was still deserving of the recognition for his amazing body of work.

Bill Morrison and Maurice LaMarche did a nice job hosting. Bill's stunning spouse Kayre did a nice job of course-correcting 87.3% of the presenters and winners who attempted to exit the stage on the wrong side.

I have to get over to the hall to do an interview and handle a confusion about one of my panelist's badges and prep for my panels and do my panels and…oh, it's going to be a long day but a good one. They always are at Comic-Con.