Conventional Reading

If you're going to Comic-Con in San Diego (in less than a month, for God's sake!) you should download the latest copy of the Comic-Con Magazine, or at least read it online. You can do both those things here. And if you're not going…well, take a peek and see what you're going to miss.

Recommended Reading

President Obama has rid himself of General McChrystal and installed General Petraeus to run things in Afghanistan. And you just knew I was going to link to what Fred Kaplan had to say about all this.

Travel Tip

If you're planning to fly anywhere between September 8 and November 17 of this year, check out the deals that Southwest Airlines is offering for the next few days. If they go where you go, you might get a bargain.

Today's Video Link

More baby panda footage. This is exactly the way it went the first time my pediatrician gave me a physical…except, of course, that I was more adorable…

Good News for O.J. Simpson!

He's almost twice as popular as BP!

According to the the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Barack Obama's numbers are down but they're not as bad as the approval ratings for Congress and a number of other government agencies. But you know whose numbers are really down? BP has a favorable rating of 6%. That's six. Half a dozen. Two times three.

By contrast, O.J. Simpson has an approval rating of 11%. But here's the odd thing. I can almost understand Simpson's number. There are people in this world who think he didn't murder his ex-wife and Ron Goldman…that he was wronged, framed, ruined, whatever. I think they're either ninnies or largely unfamiliar with the details of the case, but I understand how there could be the 11%.

But the 6% who like BP…where are they coming from? Do they think Shell put all that oil into the gulf and arranged for Mark Fuhrman to plant a bloody glove so BP would take the blame? Maybe they're stockholders. If I were a stockholder in BP, I think I'd be royally pissed at its management but I'd probably say nice things about the company to pollsters.

Really, who are these people? I know they didn't poll Congress because the number there would be a lot higher than 6%.

I'm guessing the 6% are mostly people who think it was just one of those silly little mistakes that can happen to anybody who doesn't invest in minimal safety precautions. In a strange way, it's probably comforting to the BP execs. I mean, they don't have to worry about doing something foolish and hurting their reputation. Tomorrow, the members of the Board of Directors could all go out and molest nuns and their rating would only drop to like 5.5%.

The article says that the poll has only gotten a few lower ratings of anyone or anything. Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro each clock in at 3%…which gives me a great idea for the new BP ad campaign: "As popular as Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro combined!" If I were them, I'd spend a couple of billion on commercials and billboards spreading that slogan. It would be a much better investment than, say, actually cleaning up their mess.

Today's Video Link

This morn, I'm embedding five minutes out of the middle of the 1958 not-very-good science-fiction movie, Spacemaster X7. Why am I doing such a thing? Well, the whole thing's up on YouTube in pieces but you have much better things to do than watch it. Still, I thought you'd enjoy to see the great voice actor Paul Frees in one of his rare on-camera roles. Paul did thousands of movies, commercials and cartoon shows, the latter category including darn near everything Jay Ward ever did. He was Boris Badenov. He was Ludwig Von Drake. He was the Pillsbury Doughboy. He was the voice of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. He was everybody.

And here he is in this movie playing a scientist opposite actress Lyn Thomas. If I'd been the director of this film, I would have had someone else come in and redub Paul's entire part. Just to show him what it felt like.


Recommended Reading

Here's a link to the Rolling Stone article by Michael Hastings that's causing so much talk. It's about General Stanley McChrystal — as of this moment, the commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. As a result of this piece, that could change any minute.

Train of Thought

Here's another article about the idea of putting a high-speed train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The DesertXpress one sounds like about the dumbest, certain-to-fail idea I could imagine. It would carry passengers to and from Vegas but would go no farther west than Victorville, which is about 80 miles east of Los Angeles. What they don't seem to get is that that's the difficult 80 mile part of the trip from L.A. to Vegas. The appeal of a rail system to Vegas would be to be able to avoid the bumper-2-bumper trudge to get out of Los Angeles…and you'd have to go through that to get to Victorville and pick up the train there. You'd also be leaving your car in a very strange place. The main competing proposal wouldn't go from L.A. to Vegas, either. Angelenos would have to drive to Anaheim to pick it up…and wouldn't.

I'm thinking an L.A./Vegas high-speed train would be great. But I'm not going to see a useful one in my lifetime.

Recommended Reading

As Matt Zoller Seitz notes, Jon Stewart and The Daily Show have been giving it to Obama pretty good lately, proving their rapier is, to coin a term, Fair and Balanced. This is one of those things the right-wing will never admit but there it is.


As everyone this side of Mel Cooley has pointed out to me, I screwed up in the previous item. The complete DVD set of The Dick Van Dyke Show is 25 DVDs covering five seasons. It is not a 5-DVD set. I was confused because everyone around me lately is eating walnuts…and I keep hearing this weird music…and Ohmigod, my thumbs have disappeared!

DVD on DVD Day


They say it's only a one-day sale but one day is enough if you're reading this today. Amazon is selling the complete DVD set of The Dick Van Dyke Show for $74 and it qualifies for free shipping. That's the 5 DVD set which ordinarily retails for $250. This is really a splendid set of a splendid series so you might want to take advantage of this link before the price reverts to whatever it'll be tomorrow. Yesterday, it was $182.

And in case you don't know how this works: If you buy it by going through that link, this site receives a tiny cut of not only the $74 but on any additional items you might purchase from Amazon during the same visit. So while you're there, shop around. Friendly hint: You could use a new Rolex because that old one's beginning to look a little shabby.