Maybe it was because Buzz Aldrin was on our flight but Southwest Airlines performed flawlessly yesterday afternoon. If they hadn't — if the flight here to Vegas had been as flawed as some I've had — I was going to ask him to compare and contrast it with going to the Moon. I can't even say, "It took him less time to get his luggage on the Moon" because Southwest delivered our bags quickly and efficiently.
So I just shook his hand and then I went and grabbed a taxi. Some of you will be amazed that my driver was not Dave Siegel.
BTW: There was only one odd occurrence, not on the flight but in the always-interesting security line at LAX. Some shriekingly homophobic lady had to be searched because, I'm guessing, her soul set off the metal detector. A female security person was attending to her and the searchee started loudly demanding assurance that the searcher was not a dyke. All that was going to happen was that the guard was going to wave one of those wand-thingies around the searchee's questionable areas but before this could be done, we all had to listen to this loud anti-gay paranoia from a woman who seemed to think that lesbians everywhere have nothing more they want to do than get their lesbian hands on her, even in a public place. By the time I got my shoes on and headed for the gate, this had not been resolved…and I suspect for that woman, it will never be resolved.
I'm here for a thing called the Licensing Show. I'll tell you all about it when I get back from it. Have to go meet folks for Breakfast, then scurry over to the convention. Hope they let me do at least three or four panels.