Today's Political Musing

My problem with Dr. Rand Paul is the same problem I have with most Libertarians, which is that they espouse a theory that sometimes/sorta sounds kinda good on paper…but even they don't really believe it can be applied too far across reality. The ones who'll never be in a position to impact public policy are often maniacal that you could, but it's really one of those "be careful what you wish for" philosophies. Once there's a chance of actually imposing Libertarian views on the world, their advocates apply them selectively and toss 'em out the window completely if it might yield an outcome they don't like.

They can explain to you why America will be a better place if the Federal Gov't would just butt out of matters that are best left to the Free Market or, at least, the state level…but they really aren't against the Fed propping up the Free Market when it doesn't work the way they want it to. Rand is for coal subsidies and other Federal spending programs that aid that industry in his home state of Kentucky. And he's for Washington keeping its nose out of matters of individual choice that can be regulated by the states…but not if that would let a state legalize marijuana use, plus he wants a Constitutional Amendment banning abortion everywhere in the country.

So he's all for states' rights except, of course, if that means some state might exercise those rights in the wrong way. He also wants to slash Federal spending in just about every area that even vaguely resembles an entitlement…except (heh heh) Medicare payments to Physicians such as himself. As David Frum noted, "Rand Paul's Libertarianism stops where his pocketbook starts." It goes on from there. The Libertarian Party advocates a strict separation of Church and State, and rejects the kind of favoritism of one religion exemplified by claims that the U.S. is a Christian nation. Rand Paul believes the U.S. is a Christian nation and should become more so. His father feels the same way.

If I were a Libertarian, I think I'd be pissed. So far, all Rand is doing for their cause is backing away from half of it and doing a bad job of defending the other half. The guy might win but he's going to have to sound like a Garden Variety Republican from now 'til Election Day to have a chance.