Berger's Burger News

Yesterday afternoon, voice artiste Gregg Berger phoned me excitedly. Near the intersection of Janss Road and Moorpark Road in Thousand Oaks, he drove by a shopping center under construction. There, he saw workers literally putting up a sign that proclaimed the looming presence of a Five Guys. As you may recall, my fave fast food hamburger comes from this chain, which exists primarily on the East Coast. A quick Twitter message to the Five Guys Twitter Person yields the info that they hope to have it open and operational "by the end of August," which probably means September or October. I hear other California outlets are coming, including one in Sacramento that could be serving up burgers 'n' fries as soon as next month.

Thousand Oaks is a wee bit more convenient to me than the current closest location, which is in Carson. We're hoping for a location that is closer…but not too close, if you know what I mean.