

We interrupt this hiatus from the blog to bring you a quick commercial. As you no doubt know, the Reprise! organization in Los Angeles puts on wonderful productions of classic musicals for extremely limited runs. May 11 through 23, they're doing one of our faves, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The big star name is probably John O'Hurley, who's playing Biggley (the Rudy Vallee part) but the whole cast looks terrific. Josh Gristetti is playing the lead, Finch. Nicole Parker is Rosemary.

There are two 2 PM Saturday matinees — one on the 15th, one on the 22nd. Each will be preceded at Noon by a free hour-or-so lecture on the history of the show by that noted theatrical authority, me. And I hope to have a member of the original cast at one or both to discuss what it was like to be part of that Broadway history. ("Free," by the way, means you don't have to stay for the show or buy a ticket.)

Speaking of buying tickets: You should probably do that soon since the theater ain't that big and the show ain't there for long. Seats are $60 apiece but newsfromme.com visitors are smart enough to never pay full price for anything. There are four performances where you can get in for 50% off if you enter the discount code, HOWTO. One of them is the 5/15 matinee so you can come early and hear me. Use this link for those four performances.

For all other performances, use this link and if you enter the code BOSS, you should be able to get 10% off.

And I'll give you one other money-saving tip: When you pick up your tickets at the box office, take a good look at the envelope. A lot of them have a coupon for $5.00 off at any Gelson's Market. Boy, we're helpful.

Hope you enjoy the show as much as I think you will. Come to think of it, I hope I enjoy the show as much as I think I will.