Conventional Thinking

As I mentioned here, an entrepreneurial concern in San Diego has offered the Comic-Con International a cool half-million ($100,000 a year for the next five years) to not move out of their fair city. I said the money would be earmarked for new shuttle services. Actually, it would go towards the current one, which I'm told is beastly expensive.

I still hope 'n' predict the con will not migrate. As my pal Tom Spurgeon notes here, "Personally and professionally I believe San Diego is the best place for them to be. It's the best location of the three to visit, "San Diego" is a significant part of their branding, the remove from LA gives it a sexy junket feel that it wouldn't have in or near LA…the Vegas option would be a disaster based on the McCarron cab line alone." Yeah, if you get in that cab line, the odds are good you'll wind up riding with David Siegel.

The decision will be made, I'm told, before May is over. Anaheim is just too Anaheim and anything within about three miles of Disneyland is just an add-on in that city. In San Diego, we're the whole show and that's where we should stay.