Doing Time at LAX

Got to the airport 2.5 hours before my one-hour flight to San Francisco this AM. That's about how early you need to be there some days to make it through the security lines. Willie Nelson was ahead of me and I said hello and mentioned he'd appeared in a script of mine with Richard Pryor on a TV show. Mr. Nelson was nice enough to pretend he remembered me, Richard Pryor and television shows.

We were all set for take-off (I thought) when it was announced that the pilot, in doing his walk-around, had noticed oil leaking from a seam on the plane's nose assembly. Instead of giving it a Claritin, they declared the plane "out of service" and told us we'd have to get off and wait a few hours while they figured out where they were going to find another plane to take us to S.F. I wound up on the same flight with Stan and Hunter Freberg, who are also guests at the WonderCon, which starts in about ten and a half hours. And that reminds me…

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