Tomato Soup: Final Notice!


As March goes away, so does the Creamy Tomato Soup at your local outlet of Souplantation or Sweet Tomatoes. That is, if you even have a local outlet of Souplantation or Sweet Tomatoes. Click here to find out if you do.

If you do, you only have a few more days to drop by and sip my favorite soup. Call first because it is not unprecedented for a Souplantation (or S.T.) to end a soup-of-the-month a day or so early…or to even keep it around a day or two into the next month. It'll be your last chance for a while. If the chain stays true to its s.o.p., Creamy Tomato Soup will not be back in their steam tables until at least October, when it will probably be available for one week as part of their Special Request month. Then we won't taste it until next March. I miss it already.