Today's Political Rant

The New York Times has an article up entitled, "In All Those Pages, A Surprise or Two." It lists things that you and I didn't know were in the Health Care Reform act.

So here's what I want to know: Why are they running this article now?

Yes, I know it's a thick pile o' papers but it's been around for a while and most, maybe all of these things were not added at the last minute. Didn't our press have some duty to read and report on these items before it was all voted on and signed into law? Or if there wasn't time, wasn't that a valid news story? "Even Experts Don't Know Everything That's in Health Bill." Something like that, maybe?

I don't see anything in there that makes me that unhappy the bill passed. (I still think abstinence education is not only a waste of money but also one of those ineffective things we do that prevent effective solutions from being implemented.) I guess I'm just kinda surprised that with all the words that were written about it, all the skillions of hours of radio and TV time that was consumed in discussing it, there are things we could be surprised about now. I mean, we heard plenty about things that aren't in it…like Death Panels and public funding for abortion.