As far as I'm concerned, the five greatest scientific breakthroughs of the last quarter-century have been the TiVo, the iPhone, Ritz Toasted Chips, the Reach Access Flosser and the Breathe Right Strip. The Creamy Tomato Soup that they have in March at the Souplantation is a close runner-up.
I have Sleep Apnea, in part because my nose doesn't work so good. I sleep with a device called a CPAP machine. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and basically, it's a thing that forces air into my nose at night so I get some. This is also a wonderful invention but it was invented in 1981 so it doesn't count on the above list. Anyway, what also helps my respiration is this thing called the Breathe Right® Nasal Strip.
There is a certain beauty in its simplicity. You slap one on and it fluffs your nostrils, allowing nasal passages to open…or something. I'm not really sure how it works; only that it works. I wear one to bed each night, then leave it on in the morning until it's time to leave the house or interact with others. I'd wear one all day if it wouldn't make people look at me with even odder expressions than they do now. (One time in Las Vegas, I forgot and walked around all day with one on. Took me a while to figure out the puzzled looks I got.)
They have several varieties and have just introduced a new, industrial-strength model that's supposed to do even more to clear nasal passages. I haven't tried it yet. In fact, I just signed up on this page to have them mail me a couple of free samples. I thought some of you might want to get some, too.