The Sound of the Big W

I've been embedding videos here from stage productions written and directed by my pal, Bruce Kimmel. Bruce does a lot of things and one is that he operates Kritzerland, which is a company that issues CDs of show tunes and movie music. Many of their releases are limited-edition resurrections of great film scores and they're all great and well-produced. I'm sure that's the case with one he just announced — the soundtrack for It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. It's been issued before but Bruce has gone back to the original masters and found a few things that weren't on earlier issues…and if you want it, order it now because he's only pressing a thousand of 'em. These have a tendency to sell out quickly at twenty bucks and then if you want them, you have to pay many times that on eBay. Here's a link to the page and while you're there, shop around. I'm sure you'll find some other CD you want…and it may well be one of those that's sold out.

And I haven't forgotten that I've promised some new info here about the actual running times of the various cuts of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Just been too busy to get to it. It will happen.