I'm reading a lot of articles on the web like this one saying the iPhone stinks, that it drops calls the way an outfielder for the San Diego Padres drops fly balls, that it's worth paying any kind of megabuck penalty to get away from the iPhone and A.T.&T., etc. Most of these pieces seem to come from folks in or around New York and I have no doubt they're reporting accurately.
But here in Los Angeles…well, I've had A.T.&T. for around ten years now and while I find their billing plans a little confusing, I've been generally satisfied with their service. There are one or two places where calls often drop — like driving down Olympic Boulevard through Century City — but I assume every carrier has a few of those. So far, my new iPhone is proving just as reliable as my old Blackberry, which was on the same A.T.&T. contract. In the month I've had it, I've made or received about fifty calls. Only two have dropped and in each case, the problem may have been on the other end.
Seems like a lot of it depends on where you are…and also when you call. I'm rarely out, and therefore rarely on my cellphone, at rush hour. Make of this what you will.