Sploink! Fribbit! Jeek!


Here's a terrific bargain. Two years ago, I was recommending a 1200 page book called MAD's Greatest Artists: The Completely MAD Don Martin. This is a fancy, two-hardcover-volumes-in-a-slipcase set reprinting everything Don Martin ever did for MAD Magazine (paperbacks, excepted) along with articles, sketches and other goodies. It was well worth the $142 that was then the going price.

So you can imagine how great it is now that you can order a copy for $25 — or even less if you have one of them Barnes & Noble cards. They caution that some copies have "slight markings from the publisher and/or stickers showing their discounted price" but big friggin' deal. It's still a steal at that amount. So here's the link to order your copy of MAD's Greatest Artists: The Completely MAD Don Martin. Enjoy.

Quick aside: This is such a good deal that it prompted me to reactivate my affiliate status with Barnes & Noble so I could post a link and get my tiny, tawdry commission if you click through here. Longtime users of this site may recall that once upon a time, I discontinued affiliate status with B&N because they were embedding rather suspicious-looking spy stuff in their links. They no longer do that…or at least, it's no longer as suspicious as the cookie components of most links on the web. So I'm back with them and if you want to order anything from those folks, go through the little box I've added in my margin. It won't cost you any more and you'll be giving us here at newsfromme.com a tiny taste. Thanks.