Those of you who (like me) have cancelled your season pass for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon might want to record Wednesday night. Jimmy's guests will include, it says, "Monty Python."
And Thursday morning, the guest list on Live with Regis and Kelly includes John Cleese, Eric Idle and Michael Palin. There's also something about them on the Today show on NBC but I don't know if it's an appearance or just a news item or what. (Odd that they're not turning up on Letterman. Or maybe they are with a surprise Top Ten list or something…)
All of this is a prelude to the Python Reunion in New York on Thursday night and the debut of the six-hour documentary, Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer's Cut), which debuts on IFC on Sunday night. In fact, IFC is running a mess of Python films over the next week or so: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Monty Python's Life of Brian and Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl. If you look really, really fast at Monty Python: Live at the Hollywood Bowl and use a microscope on a huge Plasma screen, you can see me in the audience. I'm the one not dressed as Mr. Gumby.
And now for…oh, you know how this goes…