I'm not really back yet from Travel Mode but I wanted to mention this. When I had my brief discussion here about Roman Polanski, a couple of the e-mails I received contained presumptions about "what all of Hollywood believes." Let me tell you about "what all of Hollywood believes." All of Hollywood believes it wants to make successful movies and TV shows, that it wants the folks who deserve honors to be honored for whatever it is they've done to deserve honors, and that there's no business like show business like no business I know.
But beyond generalities like that, Hollywood doesn't speak with a single voice. Heck, all the people who work on any one movie or TV show don't speak with a single voice. I had the same agent for 27 years and we didn't even speak with a single voice. The only people I ever met in this industry who ever spoke with a single voice were Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney.
Bill Lentz, a reader of this site, wrote to ask me what I think of a recent article about Terry Teachout on Hollywood's reaction to the Polanski arrest. I think Mr. Teachout is using that situation to unload some long-nursed grudges about the entertainment industry. For a better, more informed view, read what Patrick Goldstein and Josh Olson have to say in this article. Unlike Teachout, when they write about what people in Hollywood think, they actually know some.