
My e-mail suggests that recent video embeds on this site have won Craig Ferguson a number of viewers. This is good to hear. If you liked the "Istanbul" lip-sync, you might enjoy this video that he did on another episode.

One interesting point to make about his show: Boy, is it cheap. It holds its own against (and sometimes beats) the Late Night program over on NBC and I think it does so with about a fifth the budget. Ferguson does not have a huge writing staff, does not have a band, does not go on location shoots, etc. He often tapes two shows in one day, even. It's really a network show done for Public Access use fees.

Even more interesting is that while Dave, Jay, Conan and the two Jimmies jockey to get the biggest stars with the current hit movies — a competition that is heating up these days — Ferguson gets decent ratings with guests who often don't have all that much to plug. I also don't think he gets anywhere near the promotion and advertising of Jimmy Fallon's show. The more I watch him, the more impressed I am.