Hollywood Superblogger Nikki Finke has finally mentioned that the two warring factions in the Writers Guild have made peace. She hasn't however mentioned that from all reports, last Wednesday's "Meet the Candidates" night was a lovefest that patched up even more differences than did the joint statement she quotes. Given how many important folks in the industry follow Finke's column (and they should — she's good at digging up vital news), it might be nice if she mentioned that but it may not matter.
I'm a big believer in the Writers Guild. I don't necessarily believe in every union and even once helped sue one labor organization that I thought was corrupt and/or inept. (It was hard to tell which.) But I believe in the need for a strong Writers Guild to provide for the common defense of those who seek to ply that trade. In forty years as a professional writer in a dozen different arenas, I've come to appreciate how badly my profession can be treated when it's "every man for himself."
I am not, however, a big believer in the ability of the WGA to hang together and work together. When I was active in its operations — mostly in the early attempts to bring animation writing under WGA jurisdiction — I was appalled at the member-vs.-member invective…the personal attacks on folks who were unsalaried volunteers. Since I never stood for guild office, relatively little was directed my way but I watched it wound a lot of folks who, to put it simply, didn't deserve that kind of abuse. Even if I disagreed with their vision for the Guild, I thought the lack of civility towards them was more injurious to the WGA than anything the attackees were trying to accomplish. For one thing, it caused a lot of good people to decide they didn't want to have anything to do with the running of the union. Eventually, that group included me.
Every so often, I'm asked to participate again and I'm tempted. Then something comes along to remind me that I really don't want to do that. The latest is a video which Nikki Finke also features — an attack on our outgoing president, Patric Verrone. Some obviously think it's funny. Some don't and I'm with the "don't" crowd. I've had my differences with Patric but I think he did a helluva job steering our Guild through its recent strike…and I like the fact that even those currently running against his "slate" seem to think that, as well. I think that deserves better than an anonymous cheapshot at him and at the writing career that he put on semi-hold to serve the WGA.
I have no idea how Patric feels about it. He's demonstrated pretty thick skin so he may even find it amusing. I'm less bothered by that than I am by how this kind of thing discourages participation in Guild affairs. I'm sure going to remember it the next time I get one of those calls asking me to serve on a WGA committee or project.