WGA Stuff

Elections in the Writers Guild are usually contentious and there are times when you wonder why anyone good braves the personal invective and decides to run at all. Our current one isn't quite as bad as some but it's heading in that direction. This article in the L.A. Times will give you a good overview of the current squabbling, which has less to do with the next negotiation than it does to do with the last one.

For whatever it's worth, I'm voting for Elias Davis and (mostly) candidates on his slate, including a few Board members who are also endorsed by his opposition, John Wells. If our silly term limits rule didn't prevent him from running for a third term, and if he wanted a third term, I'd be voting for two-term prez Patric Verrone. I have never really understood the value of any term limitations for any meaningful elected office anywhere. It's like we're saying, "Just in case an elected official does such a good job that we really want to keep him in office, we have to make sure that at some point, we can't have him."