I have occasionally directed you fine folks to the political writings of a gent named Kevin Drum, who strikes me as one of the most sensible and well-informed people on the Internet. He writes for the fine magazine called Mother Jones and his blog for them is a must-click for me each day. He is also the inventor of Friday Cat Blogging™. Kevin and I struck up an e-mail acquaintance some time ago and I am just back from what turned into a three hour meal/visit with the guy.
We discussed all sorts of stuff…but mostly I wanted to talk about politics and he wanted to talk about comics. So we did both. Occasionally, a conversation on one topic had eerie parallels to the other. Our big disagreements turned out to be that he likes the Legion of Super-Heroes (or at least, he used to) more than me, and I'm a bit more optimistic that Barack Obama will deliver a meaningful Health Care Reform package. Other than that, we got along swimmingly and had a good time. The cuisine was, of course, barbecue.
I mention all this just to marvel at how wonderful the Internet is at connecting people who would otherwise never have crossed paths. If not for blogs, I might well read Kevin in some magazine but we'd never have met, never gotten to have a one-on-one discussion. I meet a lot of people because of this here weblog. It's one of the reasons I do it. It goes right along with the huge blogging salary.
Anyway, when you get a chance each day, go read Kevin. It's not as good as having lunch with the man but at least you won't get barbecue sauce all over your shirt. Unless, of course, you websurf while eating ribs.