This is my buddy Marv Wolfman on a local TV show in San Diego during the Comic-Con. Marv was up way too early and faced with not-the-most-relevant questions but he did a good job.
What I really wish I could embed was a clip of the time Marv was on The Joe Franklin Show in New York. Marv had written a special Teen Titans comic book on the subject of teen drug use. As I recall, he was against it. Anyway, the issue got a lot of publicity and Marv was asked to do many talk shows because of it. I have no idea how he wound up on Mr. Franklin's program, which dealt mainly with nostalgia and old show biz.
Now, you have to picture this. Marv is about 33 years old (I'm guessing) and Joe Franklin is his usual age, which is a hundred and twenty-seven. Mr. Franklin has zero interest in comic books, drugs, titans or even teens…but being an old pro, he fires a few questions at Marv, then a few at this other guests, then a few more at Marv, then a few more at the other guests…
And it's finally getting down near the end of the show, which is live. Someone signals Franklin that he has time for one more question so he turns to his young comic book writer guest. "Marv Wolfman," he says. "Eddie Cantor…any anecdotes?"
He actually said that. Here's an appearance by Marv that went a little better than that one…