The great comic book illustrator Gene Colan has found it necessary to cancel his appearance at the Comic-Con International this year. As I understand it, it's for medical reasons but not necessarily serious ones. Gene merely needs some tests which have to be performed next week and his doctors have advised him not to subject himself to the strenuous trip at this time. We'll miss seeing him and his lovely mate Adrienne at the convention and will assume he'll be fine for it next year.
This means that the Spotlight on Gene Colan, which was scheduled for Friday at Noon, will not take place. Drat. Gene was also to appear on the Golden Age Panel on Thursday but that will go on without him. Matter of fact, I shrewdly scheduled seven panelists instead of the usual six because I sensed this might happen. So we'll proceed with Ramona Fradon, Jerry Robinson, Russ Heath, Jack Katz, Leonard Starr and Murphy Anderson, and though we'll miss Gene, we'll have a fine time.