This is being quoted on a couple of other sites but I felt like putting it here, as well. Yesterday on Keith Olbermann's show, political reporter Howard Fineman said the following, and no one seems to be leaping up to disagree…
I talked to people on the Hill all day today. I talked to Republicans as well as Democrats. Republicans claim they have a plan. They don't. They claim they're going to have a plan. They won't. Their whole strategy…is to stand on the sidelines with their arms folded while the Democrats try to work this thing out. That's their whole strategy.
I think the health care system in this country is in dire need of repair. I think people are losing their lives or at least their homes because they simply can't afford proper treatment. Whether the Democratic plan is ideal, I don't know, though the arguments against it I'm hearing sound to me like they're coming from folks who haven't read it but since they don't want any Democratic plan to succeed, are just making up bogus reasons to fear it. In any case, it's apparent that the G.O.P. plan is no plan; that they just want to leave things the way they are. And you know…if I were a Congressman or Senator devoid of conscience and I got that much money from the drug companies, I might too.