Monday Morning

If I look different to you today, it's probably because I'm on my backup computer. Since this looks to be a very busy week, what with the convention and all, naturally my hard disk had to crash, which it did at around 3 AM this morning. It looked at me, looked at the list of things I need to get done, decided this would be the perfect time and quit dead on me. They do that deliberately, you know.

Fortunately, I have this clever system of backups that ensures I lose nothing when this happens and can move over here to the backup with very little loss of data. Unfortunately, I still have to shlep my main computer over to my techno-wizard friend today because what's wrong with it seems to be beyond my only-goes-so-far expertise. Near as I can tell, the thingamabob is out of alignment with the whatzis. In fact, I'm hoping we don't need to do a low level reformat of the whatzis.

All of this means you may not see a lot of posting here for a while…an announcement I make with great trepidation. Because two-thirds of the time when I say it, someone really important dies and I'm back here doing obit postings…and we've sure had enough of those lately.

In other news: As you all know, Stan and Hunter Freberg are making their first-ever appearance at the Comic-Con and folks are really excited. As well they should be. Is there any devout fan of Freberg who's attending who'd like to donate a couple of hours to helping me help them? I'm especially looking for someone who's going to be there by late Wednesday and can help set up for Preview Night. Drop me a note.

And there seems to be a slight chance that Gene Colan will be at the con after all. He has a doctor's appointment this afternoon and maybe, just maybe, they'll clear him to go. Stay tuned for the verdict, probably later today.

Okay, I'd better go get the main computer over to my computer expert, who's over in the Palms area. If you're anywhere near there and in need of the number of someone who can fix or build a PC for you, I've got just the guy. Write me for his contact info. I'm heading over there now, just as soon as I put on some pants. That's usually a good idea.