Watching Hearing

They just removed another screaming protester from the Sotomayor hearings. Since the advent of television and other mass media, has anyone ever advanced their cause one millimeter by disrupting things like that? I mean, it's a great way to make your position look like the mission of rude, crazy people but does it ever lead to meaningful change? I suppose there may be examples but they're probably not too plentiful.

In the meantime, I'm not sure which kind of questioner seems phonier to me: Democrats lobbing softballs that they know Judge Sotomayor can answer…or Republicans trying to show constituents that they can be tough and maybe cause some discomfort to this nominee they ain't gonna block. I did kinda enjoy the exchange where Senator Sessions was trying to draw a contrast between Judge Sotomayor's philosophy and that of a Judge Cedarbaum…and Sotomayor responded by noting that her friend Judge Cedarbaum had come to the hearing to be with her today.