The current issue of Rolling Stone has an article by Matt Taibbi called "The Great American Bubble Machine." It's a long piece that basically summarizes a lot of America's recent financial disasters and traces them to excessive greed, the clever manipulation of what's legal and shouldn't be, and some outright uninvestigated crimes…all courtesy of execs of Goldman, Sachs. Taibbi offers a colorful and, if true, devastating indictment of those folks and the system that let them get away with costing us bazillions. Goldman, Sachs is responding in a way that seems to want to deny every last word in the piece without getting into specifics and without calling too much attention to it.
Almost as if to aid the piece in not getting too much attention, Rolling Stone has only posted excerpts — not the whole article — on their website. There are bootlegs of the entire Taibbi screed online but I'm not comfy with linking to such things. I suspect Rolling Stone will see the wisdom of posting it in its entirety but for now, that's what's available.
I get that magazine in the mail…and I don't know why. I think I purchased something a year or two ago which came with a free subscription. So I got to read the whole essay and it's quite powerful and if your blood pressure's low, a great way to get it up to around 165 over 100. Wanna see fireworks tonight? Give it a peek.