Baked Alaska

What do we think the deal is with Sarah Palin resigning? A quick tour of political websites of all stripes today tells me that no one really understands the reason(s) she gave and to the extent anyone thinks they get a wee bit of it, they don't believe her.

So let's review some possibilities…

  • She's about to be indicted for some kind of crime? Maybe. But usually, you cling to public office in those circumstances so you can trade your resignation for a lighter sentence.
  • Some other kind of scandal not involving her indictment? Another, larger maybe.
  • She's pregnant again? Don't see why that would get in the way.
  • Something else medical? Naw. Then you quit because of health reasons so you can get the sympathy.
  • Prepping for a presidential run? Not likely. A sitting governor would have more standing than a former governor who couldn't or wouldn't even finish out one term.
  • Fox News has offered her a ton o' money to host a show right after Glenn Beck's? Hmm…

There are other possibilities, I suppose. But they probably all start with Ms. Palin realizing that, as rabid as her little band of supporters may be, it's a little band and she's not able to win over even a majority of Republicans. She's gone as high as she's able to go in elected office…and if you can't go higher, why stick with it?