Tim Dunleavy writes…
I read your pal Bob Ingersoll's take on the recent Guys and Dolls revival, and I agree with what he wrote — although I found the delightful performances by Lauren Graham and Craig Bierko partially redeemed the production. But I must point out one error in his review. He wrote: "[Oliver] Platt was actually taller than Kearran Giovanni, the actor who played Big Jule." In fact, Kearran Giovanni is a lovely African-American woman who appeared in the ensemble; she was one of the Hot Box Girls, and also played the role of "Carmen." (No, I don't remember which role is Carmen, either.) Big Jule was actually played by Glenn Fleshler — although, at the performance I attended, the role was played by his understudy, William Ryall. (Ryall, incidentally is taller than Platt, and was appropriately intimidating in the role.) I can see how Bob made the mistake — Giovanni and Fleshler's names are one line away from each other on the cast list page of the Playbill.
I don't think that's how he got them wrong. Here…take a look at these two people…

See? Almost identical. Matter of fact, I'm not even certain that I haven't mixed up their photos.
My apologies (and I'm sure, Bob's) to Ms. Giovanni and Mr. Fleshler. And as I was formatting the above to post, a fellow named John Platen wrote to say he also saw the same production and thought the company was wonderful; that the problems were just in the casting of Mr. Platt and in the director (or whoever) doing things different just for the sake of doing things different. Like I said: Wish I'd seen it.