Sergio Gets Hung


That's a pretty old photo of my best friend (male division), Sergio Aragonés. I took it at the third (I think) Comic-Con, which was in 1972 — the first of many at the El Cortez Hotel. They didn't call it Comic-Con International back then. It went through a couple of names to which no one ever paid any attention. We all just called it the San Diego Comic-Con. I think the '72 one was formally called San Diego's West Coast Comic Convention.

But this item isn't about the convention. It's about Sergio. Sergio now lives in Ojai, California where he seems to know everyone. In a long overdue move, the Ojai Valley Museum will host a big exhibit of his artwork August 7 through October 4. He will also be hosting a couple of seminars there during the weeks of the exhibition. Details can be obtained at this here website. I'd make some snide, derogatory remark but this is actually a great honor for a great talent and even I can't find anything negative to say about it. Congrats, amigo.