Today's Video Link

Leo Dorfman was a prolific writer of comic books…and I'm afraid I don't know as much about him as I'd like. He began working for DC around 1950. One of his early credits was the Robin strip in Star Spangled Comics. He wrote war stories and romance stories and such throughout the fifties, and around '61 he became one of Mort Weisinger's main writers for the Superman titles and may well have been the most prolific scripter of the Man of Steel during that decade. (One story of his that many will remember was "Superman-Red and Superman-Blue.") During that period, he was also working a lot for Dell and Gold Key Comics. He passed away in 1974.

Some time between 1952 and 1956, he appeared as a contestant on the game show, Two for the Money, which was hosted by comedian Herb Shriner. Kevin Greenlee just wrote me that he discovered this appearance on an old videotape and he's been nice enough to transfer the segment so we can all see it. Not much is said about the specifics of Mr. Dorfman's career — they don't even mention a comic he writes or a publisher — but it's interesting to see how the host talked about comic books in those days when they were under attack by parents' groups and other moralizers…

Today's Free Movie

Turner Classic Movies occasionally posts whole movies online for free viewing. Right now, you can watch Kelly the Second, a 1936 comedy featuring Patsy Kelly and a good supporting cast — Ed Brophy, Pert Kelton, Charley Chase, Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer, Billy Gilbert and many more. It was made on the Hal Roach lot with much the same crew that worked on Laurel and Hardy films and has much the same ambiance. It's pleasant and funny enough for me to recommend so here's the link. Enjoy.

How I Spent Today

I got stuck this afternoon in the Traffic Jam From Hell. Matter of fact, it's hard for me to grasp the fact that I'm not still in it.

Driving time between my house and my mother's usually averages fifteen minutes. I've made it in ten in emergencies. It takes twenty in rush hour. Today, it took an hour and forty minutes to go from there to here, most of it spent on a small stretch of boulevard from which one could not turn off or turn back or escape.

I thought for a time it was Obama's doing…even considered turning Republican in protest. This was not far from the hotel where he's staying and the passenger in the car next to me yelled, "It's the presidential motorcade! Avenue of the Stars is blocked off for it!" But when we finally got to Avenue of the Stars, it was not blocked off and we could see that the delay was due to massive road construction, narrowing an eight-lane street to one in each direction, necessitating impossible mergings. Cars apparently kept bumping one another and logjamming and…Well, at one point, things were so totally not moving that I just picked up my BlackBerry and began answering e-mail and Twittering. Folks in other vehicles around me literally got out of their cars and stood around talking.

After about twenty minutes in one spot, I felt like I needed a parking validation. I also felt myself getting hungry. Fortunately, I'd stopped at a market just before…so I finally put the car in Park, got out, dug into my back seat and assembled a chicken sandwich out of my purchases. I also had a bag of Baked Ruffles potato chips and a bottle of water…so that part wasn't bad. I could have made some serious money selling snacks to people in nearby autos.

Finally, after six eternities and an eon, the processional got moving. I did about one mile an hour for twenty minutes and then, like magic, the Heavens opened. We were past the road construction with the two lanes suddenly bursting back into eight. I heard the guy in the car ahead of me yell, "Yahooooo!"

Anyway, that's why there hasn't been more posted here today. And why I may never go visit my mother ever again.

Today's Video Link

Hmm…what to post today? I could put up this great video I found of Buckminster Fuller explaining the future of human energy consumption and the survival of our species…or I have a video of a number from the movie Grease as performed by Lego toys. I'll have to decide which one my readers would enjoy more…

Recommended Reading

Here's one man's analysis of today's California Supreme Court decision on Proposition 8. If he's right, it isn't quite the disaster that some are making it out to be. Yes, it's a denial of the word "marriage" to an arrangement that should be called by the same name as when heterosexuals have it. But the fact that the court let all existing same-sex marriages stand may be of greater value in the long run to the campaign for marriage equality.

Recommended Reading

Fred Kaplan on what Obama should do about the North Korean nuclear bomb test. Answer: Not a lot.

Today's Video Link

Hey, let's get a tour of John Cleese's house…


Too Much News

As I Twittered, I have no idea what kind of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will make. I'm just glad the first Hispanic nominee to that bench wasn't Alberto Gonzales. (And yes, I know about Benjamin Cardozo. But the joke works better if we leave him out of it…)

The right wing is probably very happy. They have someone they can rail against and delay and demonize, and it will all be very good for their fund-raising and for trying to convince their base they still have power. But ultimately, unless someone uncovers something juicier than her past rulings, they'll have to give in and confirm her. And it's not like denying her the seat will cause Obama to nominate someone they'll like a whole lot better.

Meanwhile, the California State Supreme Court has upheld Proposition 8. For reasons I explained here, I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Same-sex marriage is inevitable…and those who oppose it may become more accepting if it's decreed by a vote of the people, as opposed to judicial fiat or overrule. If a few more states vote it in soon, as is expected, there may not even be a lot of enthusiasm among the "anti" crowd to try and block it when it's on the California ballot again next year.

I'm just glad the court didn't nullify the unions of same-sex couples who married when they could. Wonder if there are a lot of unmarried California couples arguing over why they didn't seize the opportunity when they had the chance…)

Three Years Ago Today…

That's when I had my Gastric Bypass Surgery. I'm sure for some people the procedure is wrong and disastrous but for me, it was maybe the smartest thing I've done in my entire life. (Admittedly, it doesn't have a lot of competition for that honor…)

People always ask, "Did you have any complications?" Really, no. I've had a few problems but they're smaller and more fixable than the ones I'd have had if I were still carrying around the hundred+ pounds I forfeited. I was pre-diabetic and now I'm not. My feet hurt if I walked more than about a half-mile in a day. Now, they don't. I sleep better. I feel better. More important than you might imagine is that I now feel like I fit into the world better. I can go into a restaurant without worrying that I won't fit into the booth or the chair won't hold me. I don't recommend G.B.S. for everyone but losing weight if you're too fat? Hey, that works.

What else is different besides wearing pants that are five sizes smaller? Well, I eat less. Sometimes, I'm having lunch with someone and can only finish about a third of a normal portion, whereupon I have to convince my dining companion and/or the server that I don't dislike my meal. My taste for sugary things disappeared suddenly in January of '08. One moment it was there; the next, it was gone…and now I probably consume about as much sugar per month as I used to eat in two days. (This is not a usual effect of G.B.S.) My digestion is better as long as I avoid spicy foods. Never liked them a lot and never handled them well…and now I like them less and they cause me more problems.

I can buy clothes at Costco. I don't need the seat belt extender on airplanes. My mother thinks I look like her son again. And until I got a new driver's license photo, I occasionally had trouble proving I was me.

There are others but really, it's just been an amazing change, wholly for the better. I tell you this because throughout those three years, I've heard from quite a few folks who read about what I'd done or saw me at conventions and said some variation of "Hey, if that clown can do it…" and I'm real happy about that. If you can help yourself, great. If you can help yourself and others can profit from it as well, so much the better.

I'm also pleased I did not inspire a flurry of surgical procedures. Most who wrote to say they'd been inspired did not go the Gastric Bypass route. They did it via eating less and exercising more, which is the way to go if you can make it work for you. I couldn't but if you can, you have my respect and envy.

The key thing is just that they decided to do something, as opposed to being hectored into it. Before I tackled my weight problem, I was occasionally nagged by others to do something. Most meant well — I'm convinced at least one did not — but all generally did more harm than good. One friend who, I'm told, tells people that he saved my life with his one lecture will never understand or believe how far he set me back, knocking me off-course with his well-meant (I assume) unsolicited intrusion.

What did help me was the wise counsel of two separate physicians who talked to me in a pragmatic, useful manner, saying things that allowed me to grab onto the problem and take meaningful control of it. I'll not repeat their words of guidance here because they were Mark-specific and might have the opposite impact if applied to someone else. The best thing the doctors did was to not tell me what to do and to allow that to remain my job. They just helped me to get better at it. As I've learned, there's a big difference between taking charge of a situation and being swept along via circumstances that are out of your control. Appreciating that distinction was key for me. Because of it, I think I not only made the right decision but made it at just the right time.

This all may sound like double talk to some but there will be people out there who will get it, and maybe some of them need to get it. If you have a problem — and this applies to things other than excessive girth, as well — you need to own it. Wrap your brain all around it from every angle. Understand why you have it and why you want to get rid of it…and don't let anyone tell you those whys. They don't know you as well as you know you.

Then, once you're in charge and it's truly your problem to solve, you have a good shot at solving it. That does not mean you have to do it alone. Seek out those who can help you solve it, give you options, teach you about the various solutions. Just don't let it become their problem. Let it remain yours. You have to be The Decider…and let's hope you're better in that role than George Bush was.

It's important to be realistic and to not overdramatize, especially to yourself. People say to me, "You saved your life." I don't believe that. I think I saved myself a lot of health problems down the line. I made my life better but I don't think I extended it any. (Don't try to figure out what difference it makes, so long as I lost the weight. It made a difference to me and that's all that matters here.)

Last night, a lady on Facebook pulled me into chat to ask my advice about her girth, which from the way she described it makes the old me sound like a jockey. We switched to a phone call and I gave her all the stuff I pass off as wisdom, which is pretty much what I just wrote here: Understand the problem from all sides, understand the possible solutions…then pick one. Just make sure you're the one who does the picking and that you don't skip the stage about understanding the problem.

That's about all I have to say on this topic. A happy third anniversary to my lap. It's been nice having one again.

The Latest "Let's Rebuild Len Wein's Comic Book Collection" Project Update

As you no doubt recall, we're soliciting the donation of comics written and/or edited by my pal Len Wein to replace those he lost in a big house fire not long ago. You people are terrific. I've just posted the latest update on the site and as you'll see, we only have a few more to locate for Len. If you can help out, please do. And if you've sent an e-mail and not heard back from me…my apologies. It's taken 'til today for me to have time to update the list and now I can tackle the mail I've yet to tackle.

Time Travels

For some reason, people are sending me e-mails telling me that I got the time wrong for Dreams With Sharp Teeth. I said I'd set my TiVo to record it at 6 PM. I did…and it started at 6 PM here. It's on right now.

Someone sent me an e-mail to say it's on 11 PM CDT. Someone else wrote that it's on at 9 PM Pacific Time. Someone else wrote that it's on at 8 PM where they are but they don't say where they are.

Times can vary because of different time zones. Times can also vary because some cable companies out west run shows "live" from an east coast feed, whereas some time-delay the schedule for two or three hours. You always need to check when a show will air on your set.

I have a DirecTV satellite. Dreams With Sharp Teeth started at 6:00 on my set. Your mileage may…well, you know what they say.

Set the TiVo!

The Sundance Channel is running Dreams With Sharp Teeth, a recent documentary on the writer sometimes referred to as Harlan Ellison. I haven't seen it but I've seen Harlan…known him for close to forty years, in fact. Nothing about him is ever without interest so I can't imagine how a film could possibly be.

I've set my TiVo to record it at 6 PM Pacific time tonight. It airs again on May 28 and May 31 and maybe other times after that, plus I think it's just out on DVD.

This Day

One thing I like about Memorial Day — beyond the sales and barbecues and general restfulness — is that we slightly changed the definition of it. Originally, the premise was to remember those who'd died while serving in our military…and that's still a noble reason for the holiday. But understandably, I think, people decided that what we really needed was a day to thank those who are still alive (and maybe currently serving) and to make sure their needs are not forgotten.

I made my first visit to Washington D.C. a few years ago…and everywhere I went, I was reminded of a comment I heard once about the place; that you can't turn around without seeing a monument to those who've died in the service of their country. Not that that should ever be forgotten but I'd sure like to see us doing more to salute those who haven't died when they've served this country. And I'd like to not read news stories about filthy conditions in military hospitals, cuts in military pensions, raging unemployment among veterans, etc. It would also be nice if men and women weren't still dying in service of this country.