Too Much News

As I Twittered, I have no idea what kind of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will make. I'm just glad the first Hispanic nominee to that bench wasn't Alberto Gonzales. (And yes, I know about Benjamin Cardozo. But the joke works better if we leave him out of it…)

The right wing is probably very happy. They have someone they can rail against and delay and demonize, and it will all be very good for their fund-raising and for trying to convince their base they still have power. But ultimately, unless someone uncovers something juicier than her past rulings, they'll have to give in and confirm her. And it's not like denying her the seat will cause Obama to nominate someone they'll like a whole lot better.

Meanwhile, the California State Supreme Court has upheld Proposition 8. For reasons I explained here, I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Same-sex marriage is inevitable…and those who oppose it may become more accepting if it's decreed by a vote of the people, as opposed to judicial fiat or overrule. If a few more states vote it in soon, as is expected, there may not even be a lot of enthusiasm among the "anti" crowd to try and block it when it's on the California ballot again next year.

I'm just glad the court didn't nullify the unions of same-sex couples who married when they could. Wonder if there are a lot of unmarried California couples arguing over why they didn't seize the opportunity when they had the chance…)