Tipping Point

The other day (in this post), I said that whoever sent me the largest tip could name a topic and I'd write something here on that subject. I got a lot of nice small-to-medium gratuities from you folks — thank you kindly — and one huge one from a gent who seemed to have earned the right to tell me what to write about. So I contacted him and asked…and his request was that I write something here about what a great president George W. Bush was, how the Iraq War was a stroke of genius, how the nation is so much better off because of Bush 'n' Cheney. Based on past e-mails this gent has sent me, I came to the conclusion he wasn't kidding.

I took it as a challenge. I decided to write a little piece about the positive accomplishments of the Bush administration and all the great things that will surely come out of our invasion of Iraq…and you have to believe me that I tried. I don't hate those guys but I think they did a really, really bad job of doing everything except enriching the upper class at the expense of everyone and everything. I've been trying for two days now and I've spent way too much time on it and, well…

I just sent the guy his money back. That amazes me as much as it's probably amazing you at this moment. I really thought I could be bought and I'm amazed to find out otherwise.

So the "contest" is open again with the following rule change: The top donor can name a topic for me to write about but it can't be about the wonderfulness of George W. Bush or anyone like him. If you'd still like to send me a tip via PayPal, you can do so via this link. If you don't get to name a topic, you'll at least get the warm glow of knowing you helped me buy weird stuff off eBay.