Recommended Reading

I've been watching the right-wing reaction to that article by Robert Draper — the one that itemizes an appalling number of screw-ups by the Bush administration and lays them all at the feet of Donald Rumsfeld. So far, I see no one arguing that Draper got anything wrong. Here and there, someone tries to spin things as if Draper is exonerating Bush and Cheney of any blame since it was Rumsfeld who erred so much, not them. Need I point out that if Rumsfeld's management style had succeeded, those same folks would be giving George and Dick all the credit?

If you come across a spirited debunking of Draper, let me know. In the meantime, I note this blog post by Conservative strategist David Frum, who seems to accept that it's all so and that Republicans need to learn from it, not ignore it.