Today's Video Link

The first time I saw Jesse Ventura lecturing people about truth and integrity, I did a double-take that would have seemed excessive on The Benny Hill Show. The man's first claim to fame was in professional wrestling, an occupation where you can't utter five sentences without lying in at least two of them. But he parlayed the skills from that profession into a brief career in politics, where I suppose they came in handy…and he was such a fine governor in Minnesota that he united people of all beliefs. Democrats, Republicans and Independents all couldn't wait to get rid of him.

But now he's in a position that I kinda like. He's in politics just enough that he's invited onto shows to talk about what's going on…but he's beholden to no one. He's not a Republican. He's not a Democrat. He's probably never going to run for anything ever again. No one gives him talking points. He has nothing to lose by being blunt and saying exactly what he thinks. That isn't always what I think but in today's clip, it is. Here he is on this morn's installment of The View, mopping the floor with their blonde, Conservative version of Alan Colmes…