Morning Mail

Got an e-mail this AM from Shane Shellenbarger, who follows this blog and writes me from time to time…

Holy Moley! Imagine my surprise when I went to your blog this morning and saw a photo of Don Newton, Tony Newton (Don's son), David Lee (as The Phantom) and myself as Captain Marvel.

I believe that was the same costume contest at the El Cortez in which John Clark (Another Rainbow/Gladstone and Gemstone) appeared as The Shadow.

It was also the same costume competition in which the actress now known as Brinke Stevens made her convention "debut" in a Vampirella outfit. I took about twenty photos of her then because every guy I knew — some then working on the Vampirella magazine, some not — wanted a pic with her.

Jim Van Hise also wrote me to confirm, as I think I now remember, that the other young man with an "S" on his chest is Don's son. And several folks wrote to mention how much they missed Don. He looks so right in that Superman suit because he was truly one of the good guys.