The weekend of April 25-26, my partner Sergio Aragonés and I will be in another country…guests at the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo. Sergio will be sitting at a little table, selling books and artwork and doing sketches for those who bring the proper amount of cash. I will be most often found on the dais of one panel or another. I'm doing five in two days, as you can see from the programming schedule. If you're there, come say hello or howdy or whatever those foreigners up there say.
Then I don't think I'm doing another convention until July and the spectacular Comic-Con International in San Diego. This is the fortieth one of these and it'll be the fortieth one I've attended — a boast that only three or four people can make. If you intend to be there and you've yet to purchase your membership, you're woefully negligent. Four-day memberships are sold out, Saturday passes are gone…and any day now, Friday will also be off the menu. It's frightening to think how big this thing would be if the convention center could magically expand to handle everyone who wanted to attend. I'm guessing the number would be about as many as Nate Silver estimates attended those silly "teabagging" protests yesterday. And the crowd in San Diego might even get something accomplished.