Hello from…well, not from San Francisco, where the WonderCon is taking place this weekend. I was there Friday afternoon but at the moment, I'm home in Los Angeles in the natural habitat of my office. In about seven hours, I fly back to S.F. to host more panels, see more friends, etc. It's a great convention, even if you have to commute.
A nice turnout today…but I was telling people, "If you want to move, do it today because you won't be able to, tomorrow." A huge turnout is expected…and yet, a couple of dealers I talked with said that for the first time in many years, they're seeing a noticeable dip in prices. It's not so much on the real rare, high-end comics or artwork but the bad economic news seems to be prompting a downturn in, as one of them put it, "the kind of merchandise that the guy across the aisle is also carrying." I didn't poll the whole room or even a huge sample…but that's what some were saying.
I did a nice panel today with Gary Friedrich and Roy Thomas discussing what some of us think were the glory days of Marvel. Later, I started a one-on-one interview with the lovely Wendy Pini but was called away. My apologies to Wendy and all those I ran out on.
Gotta get to bed. Good night, Internet.