In 1949, The Three Stooges did a pilot for a weekly TV series that was to be called either The Three Stooges Show or Jerks of All Trades. The premise was that each week, they'd screw up in a different profession, which seems like a stretch to me. I mean, the Stooges being incompetent? Come on.
The pilot was done live in front of an audience and then the kinescope was shopped around to buyers. (Do I need to explain what a kinescope was? Basically, it was a way to record a live TV show in the days before tape. They'd point a 16mm camera at a TV monitor and film the show off the screen.)
There were no takers for the Stooges' project, which seems odd. In '49, most of television was a lot worse than this. Take a look and see what you think. It runs a little less than twenty minutes.